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Open Thy Heart : Aprimi il tuo Cuore
This Poem

You know, without my telling you, how sometimes
A word or name eludes you, and you seek it
Through running ghosts of shadow,—leaping at it,
Lying in wait for it to spring upon it,
Spreading faint snares for it of sense or sound:
Until, of a sudden, as if in a phantom forest,
You hear it, see it flash among the branches,
And scarcely knowing how, suddenly have it—
Well, it was so I followed down this poem,
Glimpsing a face in darkness, hearing a cry,
Remembering days forgotten, moods exhausted,
Corners in sunlight, puddles reflecting stars—;
Until, of a sudden, and least of all suspected,
The thing resolved itself: and I remembered
This poem.
Y Daubmir

Ghiacciai - clicca per massimo ingrandimento

I ghiacciai
si sfaldano
al palpito
di un gorgheggio
Y Daubmir .

Guizzo di balena - Humpback breaking
Diving Deep

I leapt, and my steep body flashed
Once, in the sun.
Dark drew all the light from my eyes.
Like a man who explores his death
By the pull of his slowmoving deltoids,
I hung head down in the cold,
Wide-eyed, contained, and alone
Among the weeds,
And my fingertips turned into stone
From clutching immovable blackness.
Time after time I leapt upward
Exploding in breath, and fell back
To wait for the lake to reflect
At the risen moon with such power
That my steps on the light of the ripples
Might be sustained.
Y Daubmir

Ophelia - clicca per ingrandire

Ci sono cose peggiori
Dell’esser soli
Ma spesso passano
Per capirlo
E più spesso
Quando l’hai capito
È troppo tardi
E non c’è cosa peggiore
Del troppo tardi.

Io voglio essere
In anticipo.
Y Daubmir .


Il mio costante
Desiderio di
È simile al
Mio inquieto
I sogni
Che ho fatto
Senza poter

My eternal wish
To soar and fly
Is similar to
My disquiet
To remember
The dreams
I dreamt
Knowing why

Y Daubmir

Roma storica

Grida di sfida
Si alzano dall’Aventino
In una planata di storni
E spezzano il cielo azzurro
Echeggiando increspature di ricordi
Per poi cader veloci dall’aria
I frammenti di questa delicata immagine
Vibrano sui cavi a schiera
E tremano dolcemente al vento
Come una sonnolenta corda
Di pianoforte
Il sangue ora si espande
E allaga il silenzio ansioso
Con la paura che il cuore acceleri
E cominci a martellare il petto
Sordo e insistente come una campana nascosta
Sotto una cupola latina -
Allora la vita dovrà proprio
Y Daubmir .

stepping over

The dead, we say, are the departed. They
pass on, they pass away, they leave behind
family, friends, the whole of humankind—
They have gone on before. Or so we say.

But could it be the opposite is true?
Now, as I stand here in the graveled drive
at moonrise, unaccountably alive,
I have the sense that it is we, not you,

who are departing, spun at breakneck speed
through space and time, while you stay where you are—
intimate of dark matter and bright star—
and watch the brilliant, faithless world recede.
Y Daubmir

parole nivee

Nello spazio
Dei tuoi pensieri
E afferra
La scintilla
Che ti
Il fuoco
Y Daubmir .


Creatures perish
in the darkened
blind of quest,
knowing intimations.

Guessing and dreaming
I pursue the real,
my face turned toward the sky
whispering secrets to the heavens.

And while I remain
with seeking creatures
in every turn of time
abiding in their condition
every instant past
I perceive their aching breath.
Y Daubmir .

Residui riflessi

Sbiadita memoria di me,
Poeta spento dagli strani umori,
Rimane all'albergo Exedra di Roma,
Tra gli effluvi dei gelsomini,
E l'illusoria profondità degli specchi

Jasmines - Gelsomini
Some limited and waning memory of me,
Poet incarnate of the wistful mood,
Persists at the hotel Exedra in Rome,
Amongst the effusive jasmines
And in the illusory depth of mirrors.

Y Daubmir

Acqua Verde

The melody
of uncharted algorithms
to my torment,
aspires to placate
the void
of my vacant

Why do you
to clutch my heart
an obsessive tide?
Y Daubmir .


The brain whirls in a fit
The brain is not manifest
I have gone to that place
Of tremor
And then rigidity
Where gray cells
Are slapped
Brutally -
A little solo act
With a stroke
When my heart also

Y Daubmir

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